Ultimate Member Pro 2.8.2 is the #1 user profile & membership plugin for WordPress. The plugin makes it a breeze for users to sign-up and become members of your website.
Ultimate Member Pro is a powerful plugin that supercharges your website. It adds features like customizable user profiles, seamless registration and login processes, a handy member directory, and content restriction options.
You can easily create a members-only community and manage memberships effortlessly. It’s a must-have for websites looking to enhance user interactions, control access to content, and build a thriving online community.
Ultimate Member Pro 2.8.2 Features.
- Front-end user profiles
- Front-end user registration
- Front-end user login
- Custom form fields
- Conditional logic for form fields
- Drag and drop form builder
- User account page
- Custom user roles
- Member Directories
- User emails
- Content restriction
- Conditional nav menus
- Show author posts & comments on user profiles
- Developer friendly with dozens of actions and filters
🌟100% Genuine Guarantee And Malware Free Code.
⚡Note: Please Avoid Nulled And GPL WordPress Plugins.
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