WP Complete Pro [Lifetime Update]


Version             v2.9.5
Last Update December 31, 2022
Software VersionWordPress 6.0.x, WordPress 5.9.x, 

WordPress 5.8.x, WordPress 5.7.x,

Files IncludedPHP Files, CSS Files, JS Files
Documentation Yes
All Premium Features Yes
GPL/Nulled  No
Instant Installation Support 24 Hrs.
Receive Updates on Email Yes
Website Activation25

🌟100% Genuine Guarantee And Malware Free Code.

⚡Note: Please Avoid Nulled And GPL Wordpress Plugin

WP Complete Pro With Lifetime Update


Multiple courses
Create as many courses or modules as you want, you can track them all separately.

Zapier Integration
Connect WPC with Zapier to create custom webhooks for your mailing or any other software you use. You can even create a zap to email yourself when a student finishes a course.

Developer API
Build your own functions and features by using our API to get data about students and their progress.

Fancy graphs
Use a bar or circle graph to display progress through your course via simple shortcodes.

Customize everything
Choose different wording for the completion buttons and/or pick colors for the buttons and graphs.

View progress
See the number of students who’ve completed each lesson + each student’s percentage completed.

Peer pressure
Give students an added nudge by showing them how many others have completed each lesson.

Multi-button lessons
If each lesson has multiple sections, think: completed video lesson, completed workbooks, completed spreadsheet.

Lesson listings
Use a shortcode to show all the lessons in your course or courses. Customize it to only show completed lessons or only show incomplete lessons.


Dashboard widget
Get a quick view on your WP dashboard of your courses, buttons and students.

Conditional content
Show content ONLY if a lesson is completed (or only if it’s incomplete).

Lesson listings
Use a shortcode to show all the lessons in your course or courses.

Custom post types
Use any custom post type with WPC.

jQuery events
Trigger javascript once a button or a page is complete.

Completion indicators
Show logged in students which lessons they have already completed.

Completion redirect
If a students clicks complete, they’re taken to the next lesson automagically.

Previous/next to complete
Give students a way to go backwards and forwards in their lessons, based on the order of the lessons you’ve created.

WordPress filters
For theme developers, there are now PHP filters you can use to run code if lessons are completed, buttons are completed or the course is completed.

Last completed + up next
Use a shortcode to show each user what the lesson was that they completed, so they can pick up where they left off and which is the next lesson in order they need to complete.

⚡Note: Please Avoid Nulled And GPL WordPress Plugin


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